Includes Morning Grace of Moses

Kollel Morning "Grace of Moses"

Jerusalem as its baskets, we are beloved by our dear Beit Yisrael! I would like to express my appreciation for the large enterprise of the "Hasidim Moshe" of the Knesset, founded 22 years ago by Rabbi Avraham Jagen, whose purpose was to have important blessings in Jerusalem. They will learn in the early hours of the morning, which is known that most of the Torah scholars are busy praying and bringing their children to the Talmud Torah. Rabbi Avraham was very important that there would be no one hour without Torah which, thanks to its world scholars, existed and some decrees were canceled by it. Dedicate to each bride and support for the rest of his life. And his great son, Rabbi Yosef, JV will make a good living, making great efforts to continue his father's work. Included are learning laws on order, almost every day topical issues are renewed, as well as conversations, tests, holiday and holiday laws are arranged as a whole. Its supporters and their families have a great right to help and drive this overall existence for the benefit of the people of Israel, and they will usually land in every way of their salvation.
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